Mannol Air Filter Oil Spray 200ml MN9964

Air Filter Oil Spray 200ml MN9964

SKU: MN9964

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Product Description

Product Description Mannol Air Filter Oil Spray 200ml MN9964

Air Filter Oil-special ultra-sticky impregnation for low-resistance air filters (HIGH-FLOW AIR FILTER) - in common language use ?zero-it" or "zero-resistance filters". It is suitable for use in all 2-stroke and 4-stroke motorcycles and scooters with air-and water-cooled engines, as well as in any other equipment in which such filters are installed normally or as tuning details.

- Provides maximum air supply, increasing engine power;
- Reliably holds dust, dirt and sand in the most extreme conditions. Reduces wear and extends the oil change interval. Eliminates engine damage caused by contamination, extends its life and reduces maintenance and repair costs;
- Provides excellent adhesive properties of the filter, so that it effectively detains even the smallest dust particles, while it is securely held on the surface of the filter elements;
- Recommended for use in Motorsport;
- Colors the filter in tints from pale pink to red, and the color may appear immediately or after a while;
- Completely eliminates the risk of destruction of HIGH-FLOW filters during operation.

Application: Remove the filter. Clean the filter surface from coarse dust and dirt particles by tapping and then using a soft-pile brush. Apply MANNOL Universal Cleaner 9972 on both sides of the filter. Let it soak in. After 10 minutes, rinse the filter in a container of water, then under a low stream of water. Dry the filter well. Shake the container and spray 9964 MANNOL Air Filter Oil on the filter from a distance of 20-30 cm. Mash the filter to achieve the best penetration of the impregnation into the filter. Let it dry for 15 minutes.


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