Dainese Metractive Air Shoes Charcoal-Gray/Black/Dark-Gray 23

Metractive Air Shoes Charcoal-Gray/Black/Dark-Gray 23

SKU: 201775233-23I

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Product Description

Product Description Dainese Metractive Air Shoes Charcoal-Gray/Black/Dark-Gray 23


Protective motorcycle shoes inspired by the street world, light and ventilated, both when riding and when walking. Equipped with Groundtrax? soles with an asymmetrical design for maximum stability and grip.


Certified motorcycle shoes, protective for use on a motorcycle, comfortable and street-style for everyday occasions.The highly ventilated knit upper makes the shoes light and comfortable on even the hottest days. Maximum protection is ensured by reinforcements on the heel and ankle which also increase stability when riding. The construction of the Groundtrax? asymmetrical soles, with differentiated gear and brake areas, ensures maximum comfort. The soles resist deformation on impact and provide a feeling of riding stability and protection.Designed to ensure maximum comfort and protection when both riding and walking, the shoes also feature a comfortable tongue with a pocket for concealing the laces. The Ortholite? insole guarantees maximum breathability and long-lasting cushioning.


Elastic band to store the laces
Gear shifter guard in PU
Groundtrax? rubber outsole, designed to offer a superior walking comfort
Knit upper construction
Ortholite footbed with long term cushioning and high level of breathability


Closing with laces
Lace garage on the tongue


Syntetic suede inserts


Rigid inserts on the malleolus area with soft D-Foam on the internal side
Shoes certified to CE - Cat. II - EN 13634 Standard


Mesh liner




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About Dainese

Dainese este un brand italian specializat in productia de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor, cum ar fi motociclismul si sporturile de iarna. Fondat in 1972 de catre Lino Dainese, un pilot de motociclism, brandul Dainese a inceput prin productia de echipamente de protectie pentru motociclism si s-a extins ulterior pentru a include si echipamente de protectie pentru alte sporturi cu motor, cum ar fi schiul si snowboarding-ul. Produsele Dainese sunt cunoscute pentru calitatea si performanta lor, precum si pentru inovatia si tehnologia avansata utilizata in procesul de productie. Compania lucreaza indeaproape cu piloti si sportivi de top din industrie pentru a dezvolta si testa produsele sale si este recunoscuta pentru designul si stilul lor unic. Astazi, Dainese este un nume de referinta in industria de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor si este foarte popular in randul celor care isi doresc produse de inalta calitate si performanta pentru a se proteja in timpul activitatilor sportive.

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