Dainese Lady Leather Moto Jacket Racing 4 Black/Acqua-Green 23

Lady Leather Moto Jacket Racing 4 Black/Acqua-Green 23

SKU: 202533848-26F

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Product Description

Product Description Dainese Lady Leather Moto Jacket Racing 4 Black/Acqua-Green 23


Women’s leather motorcycle jacket with metal slider on the shoulders, stretch leather inserts and air vents for optimized temperature. The Dainese sport jacket.


Racing 4 Lady is a women's leather motorcycle jacket designed for the female body to offer extreme comfort and versatility through a series of details, which includes S1 bi-elastic fabric and Microelastic 2.0 leather applied to a premium Tutu cowhide structure. Additional features include an adjustable waist and collar, and the option to connect the jacket to motorcycle pants using the zipper fastening at the hem. The versatility of this leather motorcycle jacket also derives from the ability to achieve optimal temperature control using the two air vents positioned on the chest and two extractors on the sides, which work in synergy with the breathable lining. Maximum safety is guaranteed by EN 1621.1-certified composite protectors at the elbows and shoulders, which are further enhanced by interchangeable external aluminum plates – a distinctive Dainese technology – designed to support and facilitate sliding in case of a fall, thus avoiding the dangerous risks of rolling on asphalt. Back protectors can be added to the Racing 4 Lady using the special pockets. The Racing 4 Lady women's motorcycle jacket is also equipped with two external and two internal pockets to store small items in complete safety.


2 inner pockets
2 outer pockets
EN 17092 AA certified motorbike garment
Pocket for G1 and G2 back protector
Reflective inserts


Jacket-pants fastening system
Neck adjustment
Waist adjustment


S1 bielastic fabric
Tutu cowhide leather


Co-injected shoulder with aluminium insert
Removable composite protectors certified to EN 1621.1 Standard on elbows
Removable composite protectors certified to EN 1621.1 Standard on shoulders
Replaceable aluminum plate on shoulder (1876165 kit shoulder sport aluminum)


Air vents on the chest
Air vents on the sides
Breathable mesh lining


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About Dainese

Dainese este un brand italian specializat in productia de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor, cum ar fi motociclismul si sporturile de iarna. Fondat in 1972 de catre Lino Dainese, un pilot de motociclism, brandul Dainese a inceput prin productia de echipamente de protectie pentru motociclism si s-a extins ulterior pentru a include si echipamente de protectie pentru alte sporturi cu motor, cum ar fi schiul si snowboarding-ul. Produsele Dainese sunt cunoscute pentru calitatea si performanta lor, precum si pentru inovatia si tehnologia avansata utilizata in procesul de productie. Compania lucreaza indeaproape cu piloti si sportivi de top din industrie pentru a dezvolta si testa produsele sale si este recunoscuta pentru designul si stilul lor unic. Astazi, Dainese este un nume de referinta in industria de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor si este foarte popular in randul celor care isi doresc produse de inalta calitate si performanta pentru a se proteja in timpul activitatilor sportive.

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